There is no minimum number of pieces of artwork required, however we ask for a maximum of 4 paintings and 5 prints per artist.

Successful artists are requested to provide the following:
Each Painting/Print must have your name, title, medium and price fixed firmly onto the back.
ALL work needs to be for SALE throughout the show.
NB: Please ensure that all works of art left with us are insured at your own risk

Paintings/Prints – Exhibition Standard
Paintings/prints will be hung on white exhibition boards. All hanging work needs to be originals not prints unless they are woodcuts/lino prints etc). Size of framed artwork should be no larger than 75 x 75cm.
Each painting must be fitted with:
· D-rings with string or wire for hanging. Our ‘Exhibition Standard’ requires that all paintings should be mounted and professionally framed. (if you canvas doesn’t need a frame, it will still need string or wire for hanging).
· All artwork must be signed

Print Racks are available for a maximum of 5 unframed, mounted prints per artist. Please ensure that all prints are provided in clear cellophane wrapping for protection. Each print must have the following
· Your name, title, medium and price firmly affixed to the back of each piece
· You may enter duplicates of the same print which we may hold in reserve and replace when sold.

Information to confirm before exhibition day
· We will email confirmation of whats been accepted into the exhibition: paintings, prints, cards etc. All paintings/prints and will be listed in the exhibition catalogue therefore it is essential that you check all these details are correct.

Installation/Booking-In – Thursday 17th October between 5-7pm
Artwork is to be handed into the Exhibition Booking-In Team at The North Devon Yacht Club, Instow, North Devon. Alternative arrangements may be made by prior agreement by emailing [email protected]
On this day please bring with you your submission fee of £10 in cash.
You must ensure that all artwork is signed and has all details firmly attached to it as requested. If you leave any bubble wrap, packaging materials with us, we will use this to wrap up paintings for buyers if needed.

Our Booking-In Team will be receiving your work, checking all the details with you, entering your work onto our computer record system, item-by-item, and agreeing items against the list that you have provided. There may be a short wait, however, for your security it is important that a full inventory is taken of all artwork brought in and taken out of the exhibition. You will be asked to sign a Booking-In Sheet agreeing with us all artwork accepted.

We will provide an exhibition catalogue for sale during the exhibition. A red sticker system is used for sales and we will hold some items in reserve to replace sold pieces.

Publicity and Private View
A variety of methods will be used to publicise the exhibition to include newspaper features, local radio, poster and social media promotion. A Private Preview Evening will be after the Installation of artwork on Friday 18th October – this is a ticketed event and we are limited to space so all artists unfortunately will not be able to attend. However we’d love to see you at an informal Artist Social from 5pm on Saturday 19th October.

Dismantling – Sunday 20th October, 5.30-7pm
Artists are requested to collect unsold pieces between 5.30-7pm on Sunday 20th October. Should this not be possible, please email [email protected] to make alternative arrangements. A similar procedure to that of booking your artwork into the exhibition will take place upon collection, therefore please do not wrap any items until they have been checked out. Our Team will be checking all your artwork out with you and agreeing any sales and all items that you are collecting. As on Booking-In, there may be a short wait for all procedures to be carried out, so do please allow yourself time and we will endeavour to be as quick as possible. We can take no responsibility whatever should these procedures not be carried out properly.

· Entry is £10 per artist (not per piece) – to be paid in cash on Booking in day on Thursday 17th October.
· Commission per item sold is 25%
· All items sold are recorded and at the end of the show a reckoning takes place and payment given on Sunday via cash or cheque. If we cannot give payment on the day, we will endeavour to pay the artist within two working weeks of the exhibition closing date.
· For items that can be duplicated i.e. prints etc. we are happy to offer an ordering service, but the normal rates of commission will apply.
· Once items have been sold, we would prefer that they stay in the exhibition and buyers collect on Sunday between 5-6pm.
All proceeds from the exhibition will be donated to RNLI Appledore

We have endeavoured to provide all necessary information however if you have any queries please contact us on [email protected]